Alibaba Cloud Intelligence - Distributed Storage Expert


Basic information
Department:Joint stock company headquarters
Years of service:5 years

Job Description/Job Description:
1. Responsible for patent search, patent mining, patent layout, patent early warning, etc. in project development or technology special projects;
2. Responsible for reviewing technical disclosures, patent application documents, and responding to OA to ensure the quality of patent applications;
3. Responsible for technical reference and infringement investigation before the product is listed to ensure the normal listing of the product;
4. Responsible for the panoramic analysis of category technology, competitive benchmarking analysis, etc., to provide reference for research work or related decision-making;
5. Lead or assist in patent invalidation, litigation, licensing and other rights protection work of the category in charge;
6. Carry out targeted patent training.

Job requirements:
1. Bachelor degree or above, mechanical, electronic and other science and engineering background;
2. More than 5 years working experience in the patent industry, more than 3 years of practical work experience in enterprises or examiners;
3. Have the ability to draft, review, reply to OA, infringement analysis, patent search and analysis of patent application documents;
4. Experience in industry or industry patent big data analysis or provincial/municipal patent navigation and early warning analysis is preferred;
5. Have good written and oral summary skills, good communication and expression skills;
6. Have good pressure resistance and teamwork ability, work proactively, and have a strong sense of responsibility;
7. Patent attorney qualification, double certificate is preferred;
8. Good English reading and writing skills, Japanese or French skills are preferred.